We need to receive your registration in writing. By receiving your registration, you agree that we handle your personal data in our registration. The easiest way to register is by filling in the form at the bottom of the training page. You can also email directly to support@academyonlineuk.co.uk
We need your first and last name, email address, which education you want to register for and which payment option you choose. We will then email you an invoice. Once we have received your payment, we will email you a welcome message and you will be given access to the course portal. Then just start studying!
You will find prices specified under the respective training. You can pay with GBP or EURO.
There are 3 payment options:
1. We send you an invoice and you pay to our bank account. One invoice for the total amount or you can pay per module.
2. Payment with VISA- or Mastercard.
3. Payment with PayPal
You choose your payment method on the page of the professional training course.
If you have questions regarding registration, payment or your ongoing studies, send an email to support@academyonlineuk.co.uk or call us via switchboard and describe your case and we will contact you.
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