
Sales Manager

Course description

Working as a Sales Manager is challenging and requires skills in several areas. As Sales Managers, our main goal is not to bring in new customers and create business ourselves. Instead, we are supposed to support our salespeople and get them to perform at their peak. To succeed in the role, we need to both create and maintain a successful, positive, and sustainable work model, while engaging and developing our salespeople to perform.

The Certified Sales Manager training aims to give you a road map for how you can work in the role of Sales Manager, as well as what you should focus on. After completing the training, the goal is for you to have the tools required to build a successful and sustainable sales organization. You also get checklists and step-by-step guides that you can use in practice when building your sales organization.

The course is suitable both for you who currently work as a sales manager and want to develop your existing organization, as well as for you who want to take the next step in your career.

The training covers about 8 weeks of full-time studies.

You can study at any study pace.


We need to receive your registration in writing via the contact form or send us an email. Indicate which course the application refers to. Welcome to register and let your successful journey start with us! If you have any questions before registering, email support@academyonlineuk.co.uk


The fee for the professional training course Certified Sales Manager is 1927 GBP (481.75/module) Or 2250 EURO (562.5/module). All fees include VAT.

There are 3 payment options: 

We can send you an invoice and you pay to our bank account. One invoice for the total amount or you can pay per module. 

You can also pay with Master- and VISA card or PayPal.

Send in the contact form or send us an email and inform us how you would like to pay. support@academyonlineuk.co.uk

Head teacher

Pontus Ardermark

Master of Science in Business and Economics

Sales consultant with experience from financing and financial management in both the service and production sectors